SES San Jose 2006 – подробный обзор

Seroundtable не без помощи других блогеров сделали обзор всех сессий конференции в Сан Хосе:

Понедельник, 7 августа, 2006:
+ Social Search Overview: Yahoo!, Windows Live & Eurekster
+ Compare & Contrast: Ad Program Strategies
+ Searcher Behavior Research Update
+ Social Search: Up Close With Yahoo!

+ Leveraging Social Media (MySpace, YouTube, & Other Social Networks)
+ Does Demographic Targeting Matter?
+ Social Search: Up Close With Google (Google Co-op)
+ Communicating With Customers
+ Searchonomics: Serious & Fun Stats

+ Search and Branding
+ SEM Via Communities, Wikipedia & Tagging
+ The Search Laboratories
+ Domaining & Address Bar Driven Traffic

Вторник, 8 августа, 2006:
+ Can You Please Them All? (Google, Yahoo!, MSN &
+ Auditing Paid Listings and Click Fraud Issues
+ Reputation Monitoring & Management
+ Search Arbitrage Issues

+ Duplicate Content and Multiple Site Issues
+ Blog and Feed Search SEO
+ The Bot Obedience Course – New Yahoo! Site Explorer Tool Announced
+ News Search SEO
+ Search Algorithm Research
+ Search Engines: Friend or Foe?

Среда, 9 августа, 2006:
A Conversation With Google CEO Eric Schmidt
+ Big Site Big Brand SEM
+ Linking Strategies
+ Big Ideas For Small Sites & Small Budgets
+ When Search Engines Do Search Marketing (AOL,, Yahoo! &

+ Link Baiting & Viral Search Success
+ Usability & SEO – Two Wins for the Price of One
+ SEM for Non-Profits & Charities
+ Pricing & Contracts For The Small SEM Shop

+ The Vice Presidents Of Search Marketing

Четверг, 10 августа, 2006:
+ Search APIs (Yahoo! Developer Network, YSM API, Google AJAX API & AdWords API)
+ Vendor Chat on Measuring Success
+ Search Engine Q&A On Links (Ramez MSN Search, Kaushal, Adam Google & Rajat Yahoo!)

+ Balancing Organic and Paid Listings
+ Organic Listing Forums (Danny Sullivan In Costume)


